Tuesday 20 December 2016


Barney was a boy,
A boy, who pranked for joy.
One day, he wanted to have fun,
So he scared his sister with a toy gun.

Then came his mom,
Holding his kitty, Om - Nom.
Then he blew a paper bag,
And blasted it with a bang.

One day he was chewing gum,
Then he heard his sister hum.
Hi tied a string across her room.
Then she went to her room.
Tripped over and landed on the floor with a boom.

Another day Barney sang a rhyme
While enjoying fragrance of thyme.
He was like in a happy mood,
So after all, he became good.

Friday 9 December 2016


Today was so bad
So bad, it made me sad
So sad, it made me cry
Wanted to stop, so I tried

Today it was bad at lunch
For it felt like I had been given a punch
A punch given by someone's hand
Down on the floor, on the land

Today's day was so glum
So glum, it felt like I ate a rotten plum
Really sad I felt
But today and forever, I am your friend